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Illustrations of the R9 compared with other guns and objects III

Here is a third selection of comparison photographs, the first three being supplied by ''Fudster'' on the forum. As and when other pictures get posted on the forum I will continue to add, probably from other members hopefully, such that eventually we will have covered many examples.

New addition - a chart of numerous pocket semi's compared and with data.

The R9s compared with the Smith & Wesson 3913 ........

R9s and SW3913

R9s against a North American Arms mini in .32 acp .....

R9s and NAA mini in .32acp

R9s next to the Smith & Wesson lightweight 342 .....

R9s and  Smith 342

R9s compared with Walther PPK in .380.....

R9s and Walther PPK

R9s and S&W 4040PD - Scandium and refinished.

R9s and  Smith 4000 Series.

R9s below .45acp ''Para Carry"

R9s and Para Carry

R9s and Colt ''Pocket Nine" -

R9s and Colt Pocket 9

R9s against the Beretta Tomcat .32 acp

R9s and Beretta Tomcat

More recent addition - a chart of numerous pocket semi's compared and with data.

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